UCV Covenants

Open & Affirming

"We, the congregation of the United Church of the Valley, Murrieta, declare ourselves to be Open and Affirming. As such, we strive to be a congregation that welcomes all persons, regardless of age; mental and physical health and ability; racial, ethnic and cultural identity or background; economic, educational, and social status; sexual orientation, gender identity and its expression; marital status and family structure; or faith background.

We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, stewardship, responsibilities, blessings and joys of our congregation’s life in Christ.”


Just Peace

Be it resolved that we, members of United Church of the Valley, declare ourselves to be a Just Peace Church as defined by our partner denomination, The United Church of Christ. We thus commit ourselves to speak and act for justice and peace, recognizing that each depends upon the other. We do this supported by prayer, worship, and education to further the work of reordering the world the world.

We commit both as individuals and as a congregation to work in the following areas actively, vocally, prayerfully, and intentionally –

In our local community and communities. We will both create and support efforts that bring greater inclusion and equality to all members of our community, eradicate violence and poverty, and help to shape a culture of peace where all can live and thrive free from fear of differences. We commit to actively loving the marginalized peoples of our communities. Including but not limited to, members of the LGBTQ+ community, peoples of color, indigenous peoples, disabled and other-abled individuals, as well as the aged among us.

As we practice wondering about those is our communities, we will be able to see their wounds and hear their stories and thus, tend the wounds of those around us. In the area of Eco-justice on the local, national and global level. In respect of our planet and all life sustained on it, we commit to efforts to combat climate change, deforestation, and resource depletion by being involved with our governmental bodies through our votes and other means, making changes in our lifestyles when possible, and bringing attention to ecological justice.

In the area of economic justice on the local, national, and international level. We will stand, through action and support, against poverty, unfair and oppressive practices towards workers, consumers, and the environment. We commit ourselves to seeking out ways that all may live with dignity in all sectors of industry and will support sustainable production, fair trade, fair taxation, and worker’s rights through deep solidarity, rooted in love.

Among the nations. We will do all we can to end war, conflict, and violence in order that human lives are protected. Knowing that preemptive mediation and peacemaking as the ways to settle conflicts between nations, we will support measures that seek creating environments where all parties can be heard. We also pledge to speak for the rights of immigrants and support policy and laws that are both economically sound but put equality and compassion as the foundations of all laws that oversee immigration, migrant workers, and refugees. Our courage will be born of joy for joy is a gift of love.

We make this covenant knowing that we are imperfect people and as such, our work in and for Just Peace will be imperfect as well and will look different in each individual among us. The work towards justice and peace is a continuing process but we commit to ongoing education, public witness, and action to dismantle systems that impede Just Peace. Our list is meant to be suggestive only of ways United Church of the Valley will respect the dignity of others. None will accomplish all things but as a congregation we will be active in the areas listed above knowing that all people are children of the same
loving God, however we define God, and as such are siblings we don’t yet know. We are only asked to do our part.


Accessibility 2 All

We, as members of United Church of the Valley (UCC), Murrieta, in recognition of our human differences and various gifts, desire to become an A2A – Accessible to All – congregation. This Covenant expresses our intention to extend God’s extravagant welcome to all persons, seeking to understand, include, and empower people with all differing abilities and disabilities, apparent or unapparent.

 The ancient practice of hospitality is presented in the Bible as a mandate for God’s people. This mandate requires that everybody be included in the work and witness of God’s people on earth. The biblical vision of the Great Banquet is of all gathered at a table dedicated to serving all. Barriers that diminish the access of any diminish the wholeness of all.

 We affirm the 2005 Disabilities Ministries resolution “Called to Wholeness in Christ, “as adopted by the 25th General Synod of the United Church of Christ on July 4, 2005, honoring the Accessible to All mandate in the mission of the United Church of Christ. This resolution calls us to embody a philosophy of inclusion and interdependence and to support and implement the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Contact Us

P.O, Box 1312
Murrieta, CA 92564

Venmo Donations: @ucvchurch

Sunday Service


40685 Date St.
Murrieta, CA. 92562

UCV Worship

UCV Fellowship

Please use password 9516981520 to access the fellowship

Fellowship is on Sundays at 11am

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