UCV Covenants
Open & Affirming
Just Peace
Accessibility 2 All
We, as members of United Church of the Valley (UCC), Murrieta, in recognition of our human differences and various gifts, desire to become an A2A – Accessible to All – congregation. This Covenant expresses our intention to extend God’s extravagant welcome to all persons, seeking to understand, include, and empower people with all differing abilities and disabilities, apparent or unapparent.
The ancient practice of hospitality is presented in the Bible as a mandate for God’s people. This mandate requires that everybody be included in the work and witness of God’s people on earth. The biblical vision of the Great Banquet is of all gathered at a table dedicated to serving all. Barriers that diminish the access of any diminish the wholeness of all.
We affirm the 2005 Disabilities Ministries resolution “Called to Wholeness in Christ, “as adopted by the 25th General Synod of the United Church of Christ on July 4, 2005, honoring the Accessible to All mandate in the mission of the United Church of Christ. This resolution calls us to embody a philosophy of inclusion and interdependence and to support and implement the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.